Expressing Breastmilk A Guide For New Moms - Milk Supply Mama

Expressing Breastmilk: A Guide for New Mothers

Last Updated: January 8, 2024By 5.1 min read

As a new mother, you may face a number of challenges when it comes to breastfeeding. While it can be a wonderful and fulfilling experience, it can also be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to balance caring for your baby with other responsibilities. One solution to this problem is expressing breastmilk. This allows you to store milk so that someone else can feed your baby when you’re not available, or to relieve engorgement when you’re producing more milk than your baby can drink. Here is a comprehensive guide on expressing breastmilk for new mothers.

Article Overview

Why Express Breastmilk?

There are several reasons why a new mother might choose to express breastmilk:

  1. To increase milk supply: If your baby is not breastfeeding frequently enough, expressing milk can help to stimulate your body to produce more milk.
  2. To store milk for later use: Expressing milk allows you to store it for when you’re not able to be with your baby, so someone else can feed them. This can be especially helpful if you need to go back to work or if you’re going to be away from your baby for an extended period of time.
  3. To relieve engorgement: Engorgement can be uncomfortable and even painful. Expressing milk can help to relieve pressure and discomfort.
  4. To soothe a fussy baby: Some babies become fussy or distressed when they’re not hungry but want to suckle. Offering a bottle of expressed milk can help to soothe them.
  5. To donate milk: If you have an overabundance of milk, you can donate it to other mothers and babies who may be in need.

When to Express Breastmilk

The best time to express breastmilk is when your breasts are full and heavy. This typically occurs in the early morning, but it can also happen at other times throughout the day. When you’re ready to express milk, find a quiet, comfortable place where you can relax and focus. Some women find it helpful to listen to music, watch a movie, or read a book to help them relax.
How to Express Breastmilk
There are two main ways to express breastmilk: manually and with a breast pump.

Manual Expression:

Here are some tips to help you achieve successful breastmilk expression:

  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly before expressing milk, and make sure all equipment is clean and sterilized.
  • Relax: Try to relax and focus on the task at hand. You may find it helpful to meditate, listen to music, or do deep breathing exercises.
  • Experiment with different positions: Find a comfortable position that works best for you. You may find it helpful to change positions and switch breasts during expression.
  • Be patient: Expressing milk can take time, especially if it’s your first time. Be patient and don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than expected.
  • Keep trying: If you’re having difficulty expressing milk, don’t give up. Keep trying, and consider seeking advice from a lactation consultant if you’re still having trouble.

Manual expression is done by hand and does not require a breast pump. To express milk manually, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Find a comfortable position, such as sitting in a chair or lying down.
  3. Massage your breasts to help stimulate the flow of milk.
  4. Using your thumb and first two fingers, gently squeeze the milk ducts, starting from the outer edges of your nipples and working inward.
  5. Repeat the squeezing and releasing motion until the milk stops flowing.

Using a Breast Pump:

A breast pump is a mechanical device that can help you express milk more quickly and efficiently. There are several types of breast pumps available, including manual pumps, battery-operated pumps, and electric pumps. Here are the steps for using an electric breast pump:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Assemble the breast pump according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Choose a comfortable position, such as sitting in a chair or lying down.
  4. Place the breast shield over your nipple and make sure it is positioned correctly.
  5. Turn on the pump and adjust the suction and speed settings as needed.
  6. When the milk stops flowing, turn off the pump and remove the breast shield. Repeat the process on the other breast.
  7. Transfer the expressed milk into a clean, sterile container, such as a bottle or storage bag. Label the container with the date and time of expression.
  8. Store the expressed milk in the refrigerator or freezer, depending on when you plan to use it. Freshly expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, and in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Tips for Successful Breastmilk Expression

Here are some tips to help you achieve successful breastmilk expression:

  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly before expressing milk, and make sure all equipment is clean and sterilized.
  • Relax: Try to relax and focus on the task at hand. You may find it helpful to meditate, listen to music, or do deep breathing exercises.
  • Experiment with different positions: Find a comfortable position that works best for you. You may find it helpful to change positions and switch breasts during expression.
  • Be patient: Expressing milk can take time, especially if it’s your first time. Be patient and don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than expected.
  • Keep trying: If you’re having difficulty expressing milk, don’t give up. Keep trying, and consider seeking advice from a lactation consultant if you’re still having trouble.

Expressing Breastmilk – Is It Right For You?
Expressing breastmilk can be a helpful tool for new mothers. It allows you to store milk for later use, relieve engorgement, soothe a fussy baby, and even donate milk to others in need. Whether you choose to express milk manually or with a breast pump, it’s important to practice good hygiene, relax, experiment with different positions, and be patient. With time and practice, you’ll be able to express milk successfully and make the most of your breastfeeding experience.

Expressing Breastmilk: Further Reading

Here are three articles related to expressing breastmilk for new mothers:

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