Breastfeeding with Large Breasts A New Mom's Guide - Milk Supply Mama

Breastfeeding with Large Breasts: A New Mom’s Guide

Last Updated: January 8, 2024By 19.9 min read

Hey there, gorgeous mamas! First and foremost, give yourself a pat on the back for bringing a new life into this world. I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve joined me in this wild ride called motherhood. If you’re here, you’re probably a new mom like me, and, let me guess, you’ve got some pretty impressive curves up top, right? Yup, we’re talking big bosoms, and how to navigate the often tricky path of breastfeeding with them.

I’ve been blessed (or sometimes, I feel, cursed) with large breasts. When I had my first baby, I was on cloud nine and super psyched to breastfeed. But, let me tell you, I had no idea what I had signed up for! I had imagined peaceful moments with my baby while birds sang outside the window. In reality? It was more like trying to hold a watermelon with one hand and a wriggly, hungry baby with the other. The struggle to find a comfy position, the back pain, and the never-ending worry about the latch – it felt like a whole job in itself! My boobs felt like they had a mind of their own, and my little one seemed to be in an ongoing battle with them.

But, here’s the thing: even with all the challenges, breastfeeding is totally worth it. It’s like giving your baby the ultimate health drink – full of nutrients, antibodies, and all that good stuff. Plus, that feeling when your baby holds your finger while nursing – pure magic! It’s not just about feeding; it’s a bonding experience that’s beyond words. And hey, it can even help us shed those stubborn pregnancy pounds (a win-win, I’d say).

So, are you ready to become a breastfeeding pro? Whether you’re sporting D-cups or have gone way past the alphabet, this article is your new BFF. We’ll talk about the right bras (because support is EVERYTHING), positions that won’t make you feel like a contortionist, and how to take care of the girls (yes, your breasts) so they don’t revolt against you. Plus, I’ll share some of my own “I wish someone had told me this” tips and a super handy FAQ section for all those burning questions. So, grab a cup of tea (or coffee if you’re in Team No Sleep), get comfy, and let’s dive right in!

Article Overview

The Challenges of Breastfeeding with Large Breasts

Let’s jump right into the challenges. Having big breasts can sometimes feel like you’re carrying around two mischievous toddlers who just don’t want to cooperate. Firstly, there’s the issue of finding a comfortable position. For most new moms, this can be tricky, but when you’re well-endowed, it can feel like a full-blown mission. Then, there’s the worry about suffocating the baby. You might find yourself holding your breast throughout the feeding session just to ensure your little one can breathe – hello, arm cramps!

Now, let’s talk about latching. When you have large breasts, your nipples might be, let’s say, less accessible. This can make it harder for your baby to get a good latch. A poor latch can lead to all sorts of issues like sore nipples, and not to mention a very hungry and frustrated baby.

Speaking of soreness, large breasts often equal heavier breasts. The weight can cause your back and shoulders to scream out for mercy. And since we’re on the subject, finding a bra that doesn’t double as a torture device is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Now, let me tell you a little story. When my firstborn was about two weeks old, I remember one night she just wouldn’t latch. My breasts felt like rocks – so engorged! Lily was crying, I was crying, and it felt like a disaster. I ended up hand-expressing into a spoon and feeding her drop by drop. Looking back, it’s a funny memory, but at that moment, it was anything but hilarious.

But here’s the golden nugget: overcoming these challenges is not just vital for your baby, but for you too. For your baby, breast milk is like the elixir of life. It helps them build immunity and provides the perfect blend of nutrients. And for you? Successfully navigating these hurdles can be a huge confidence booster. Not to mention, breastfeeding helps in shrinking the uterus back to its normal size and can even lower the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

So, while the road might be bumpy, and sometimes you might want to scream into a pillow, remember this: you are a goddess, giving your child the best start in life. Plus, you’re not alone. There are countless moms facing the same challenges and a whole sisterhood ready to support you. As we go through this article, I’ll share some lifesaver tips that made my breastfeeding journey smoother, and I bet they’ll help you too. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

Preparation Before You Begin

Okay, ladies, before we jump into the deep end, let’s make sure we have our gear ready. You wouldn’t run a marathon without the right shoes, would you? Well, breastfeeding is your marathon, and I’m here to make sure you’re all set.

Choosing the right nursing bra

Alright, let’s talk about the armor that’s going to support your girls – the nursing bra. If you’ve got large breasts, this is not something you want to skimp on. You need a bra that’s both comfy and supportive, like a best friend that holds you up (literally!). When I was on the hunt, I looked for wide straps, a good under-bust band, and easy access for feeding. A little extra tip – get fitted by a professional. I did, and it was a game-changer. And oh, grab a few sleep bras too. Your future midnight-feeding self will thank you.

Investing in supportive nursing pillows

Now, on to nursing pillows. I used to think they were an unnecessary luxury until I tried one. These things are the superheroes of breastfeeding. Especially for us endowed ladies, they help take the weight off and bring the baby to the right height for feeding. There are pillows specially designed for larger breasts. I personally loved the ones that wrap around your body; they made me feel secure and kept my back from staging a protest.

Setting up a comfortable nursing space

Your environment matters. Trust me, you’ll be spending a lot of time in your nursing space, so let’s make it cozy. A comfortable chair is a must – something with good back support. Keep essentials like water, snacks, and your phone within reach. And don’t forget a soft light for those nighttime feeds. My nursing space became my little sanctuary – a place of calm (well, mostly) in the whirlwind of new motherhood.

Building a support network

Here’s something I wish someone had told me: breastfeeding can be lonely. It’s just you and the baby, often at odd hours. Having a support network is crucial. Surround yourself with family, friends, or fellow moms who get it. I joined a local mom’s group and it was so comforting just knowing there were others in the same boat. And don’t hesitate to ask for help – whether it’s someone bringing you a glass of water or just lending an ear.

Consulting with a lactation consultant

Lastly, let’s talk about lactation consultants. These people are like breastfeeding wizards. They’ve seen it all, and they have a treasure trove of tips and tricks. I consulted one when I was struggling with my son’s latch and, honestly, it was the best decision. They can offer personalized advice, and just knowing you have professional support can be incredibly reassuring.

So, there we have it, gals! With the right bra, a handy nursing pillow, a cozy space, a tribe of supporters, and possibly a lactation consultant in your arsenal, you’re ready to tackle breastfeeding head-on. Let’s do this!

Finding the Right Breastfeeding Position

Now that we’re all geared up, let’s talk about something that’s as important as a perfectly brewed cup of coffee on a Monday morning – finding the right breastfeeding position. Seriously, the right position can make all the difference between a calm, happy feeding session and, well, the opposite of that.

Overview of various breastfeeding positions

There are a gazillion breastfeeding positions out there – okay, maybe not a gazillion, but there are a lot. From the classic cradle hold to the fancy-sounding koala hold, each position has its perks. But let’s be real – when you have large breasts, not all of these positions are going to work. I mean, I tried the cross-cradle hold and let’s just say it was like trying to juggle while riding a unicycle. But fear not, my bosomy friends, because there are positions that are just perfect for us.

Detailed guide on positions that are especially good for moms with large breasts

The Football Hold

Let’s start with the football hold. This was my go-to when my daughter was a newborn. Imagine you’re holding a football (or a rugby ball for my international mamas). You tuck your baby under your arm, along your side. Their feet point towards your back, and you support their head with your hand. This position is great because it keeps the breast away from the baby’s nose and gives you better control.

The Laid-Back Position

Next up, the laid-back position – as chill as it sounds. You lean back in a comfortable reclining chair or on a bed with plenty of support. Place your baby on your chest, tummy to tummy. Gravity will keep your baby in place, and your baby can bob their head to latch on. This one was like a mini-vacation for my back.

The Cradle Hold with Modifications

The cradle hold is a classic, but with large breasts, you might need some tweaks. Sit comfortably, with your back supported. Place your baby across your lap, turning them towards you. Now, here’s the modification: use a rolled-up towel or a small pillow under the breast to lift it. This gives your baby easier access without you hunching over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Tips for ensuring proper latch

Now, no matter what position you choose, ensuring a proper latch is key. Make sure your baby’s mouth is wide open before they latch on, like they’re about to take the biggest bite of a sandwich. Their chin should touch your breast first, and their nose should be free. Don’t be afraid to break the latch and start again if it doesn’t feel right.

Personal experiences with finding the best position

Let me share a little story. One night, during the early days, my son just wouldn’t latch properly. We were both frustrated, and I was close to tears. I decided to try something different. I leaned back, made myself comfortable, and placed him on my chest. It was like magic – he latched on perfectly, and we both sighed in relief. That’s when I realized the power of finding the right position.

Remember, my lovely ladies, finding the right position might take some trial and error. It’s like finding your favorite pair of jeans – once you find the one, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Be patient, and don’t be afraid to experiment. Your boobs will thank you, and so will your little one.

Daily Routine and Nursing Schedule

So, we’ve talked about gear and positions, but what about the day-to-day? Having a routine saved my sanity more than once, and I’m here to share the deets with you.

Understanding your baby’s hunger cues

First things first, let’s become baby whisperers and learn to understand our little ones’ hunger cues. Babies have a way of telling us they’re hungry before they start wailing. They might start smacking their lips, turning their head looking for the breast, or sucking on their hands. Once I started recognizing these cues with my firstborn, feeding times became so much calmer. It’s like catching the problem before it becomes a five-alarm fire.

Setting up a nursing schedule

Now, on to the schedule. In the beginning, it’s going to feel like you’re feeding 24/7, and that’s okay. Newborns need to feed often. But as they grow, you’ll start to see a pattern. I found that jotting down feeding times helped me see this pattern. Soon, we settled into a somewhat predictable schedule. Keep in mind, though, that flexibility is key. Some days they might want to nurse more often, and that’s okay. It’s like us with chocolate – some days, one piece is enough; other days, we need the whole bar.

Staying hydrated and eating well

Alright, ladies, we can’t pour from an empty cup – literally. Breastfeeding takes a lot out of you, so you need to make sure you’re taking in enough fluids and nutrients. I always had a bottle of water and a snack within reach when nursing. And meals? Don’t skip them. Your body needs fuel to make milk. Plus, I found that eating well made me feel more like a human and less like a milk machine.

Time management tips for busy moms

Let’s talk time management because let’s face it, moms are the busiest people on the planet. My lifesaver was batch cooking. On Sundays, when my hubby could watch the baby, I would cook meals for the week. It was like giving my midweek self a high five. Another tip? Don’t be afraid to delegate. If someone offers help, take it. And invest in a good baby carrier. Being able to nurse while keeping your hands free is like discovering a superpower.

Personal experience in establishing a routine

When my son was about two months old, I remember feeling completely overwhelmed. I was trying to do everything and be everything to everyone. My breaking point was one night when I was nursing him, and I realized I hadn’t eaten all day. That’s when I knew things had to change. I started paying more attention to his hunger cues, which made feedings smoother. I asked my husband to take over the bedtime routine with our older daughter. I started meal planning. Slowly but surely, we found a rhythm. It wasn’t perfect, but it was our kind of perfect.

In conclusion, establishing a daily routine and nursing schedule is like creating a cozy little nest for you and your baby. It takes some tweaking, but once you find what works, it can be the anchor in the beautiful chaos that is new motherhood. So, pour yourself a glass of water, grab a snack, and give yourself a pat on the back – you’re doing amazing, mama!

Taking Care of Your Breasts

We’ve been talking a lot about taking care of the little ones, but let’s not forget about taking care of the stars of the show – your breasts. Yep, those milk-making miracles deserve some TLC too.

Importance of breast care during breastfeeding

Breast care during breastfeeding is like the unsung hero of the nursing journey. Let’s put it in the spotlight for a moment, shall we? Proper breast care can prevent a whole host of issues, from sore nipples to infections. Plus, when your breasts are in good shape, breastfeeding is more comfortable for both you and your baby. We’re talking smooth sailing versus choppy waters here.

Tips for avoiding and dealing with sore nipples, engorgement, and blocked ducts

Now, let’s dive into some tips, because knowledge is power, and I want you to feel like Wonder Woman.

  • Sore Nipples: Oh, the dreaded sore nipples. These can be a real pain, literally. Make sure your baby is latching properly; a shallow latch can cause soreness. After feeding, express a little breastmilk and rub it on your nipples – it’s like nature’s ointment. And don’t forget nipple creams; they were my besties during the early days.
  • Engorgement: When your breasts feel like they’re about to compete in a heavyweight championship, that’s engorgement. It’s important to nurse often to avoid this. If you’re engorged, a warm compress before nursing can help, and a cold one after can reduce swelling.
  • Blocked Ducts: These feel like little lumps, and boy, can they be stubborn. Massaging the lump towards the nipple while nursing can help unblock the duct. Also, changing up breastfeeding positions can ensure that milk is being drained from all areas of the breast.

Personal experience and remedies that worked

Let me take you back to when my daughter was a couple of weeks old. I woke up one morning feeling like my left breast had been replaced with a rock. It was engorged and oh-so-painful. I tried nursing my daughter, but she couldn’t latch properly because it was so firm. Cue the tears – from both of us. My mother, who was visiting, suggested a warm compress. I was skeptical, but I tried it. I followed it up with gently massaging my breast while my daughter nursed. It was like magic! The relief was almost instant.

Another time, I had a blocked duct that just wouldn’t budge. I was massaging, warming, doing everything. Then a fellow mom suggested I try nursing while leaning over my baby – she called it ‘dangle feeding’. It sounded bizarre, but I was desperate. And guess what? It worked!

What I want you to take away from this is that taking care of your breasts during this time is paramount. And if you run into issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for help or try different remedies. Your breasts are working overtime right now, so give them the love and care they deserve. They’re the real MVPs!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Large Breasts and Breastfeeding

Alright, my lovely mamas, let’s dive into the Frequently Asked Questions section. You know, those burning questions that keep you up at night, or the ones you’ve furiously googled during a 3 AM feeding. I’ve got you covered.

A. Are large breasts more prone to breastfeeding issues?

You might have heard that us well-endowed ladies have a harder time with breastfeeding. While it’s true that large breasts can come with some challenges like finding a comfortable position or ensuring the baby can breathe properly, it doesn’t mean you’re destined for problems. Like anything, being informed and prepared can help you navigate these challenges like a pro.

B. How can I ensure my baby is getting enough milk?

Ah, the age-old question! First, check for signs of satisfaction in your baby – are they calm and relaxed after feedings? Next, keep an eye on those diapers – plenty of wet ones are a good sign. And, of course, regular weight gain. If you’re concerned, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician. They’re like the Gandalf of baby care – super wise and helpful.

C. What should I do if my baby has trouble latching?

If your little one is treating latching like a puzzle they can’t solve, don’t panic. First, make sure you’re both comfortable and calm – babies are like little emotional sponges. Try different positions, and make sure your baby’s mouth is wide open before they latch. If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to consult a lactation consultant. They’re like the latching wizards.

D. Is it normal to feel pain while breastfeeding?

A little discomfort at the beginning? Pretty normal. Pain that makes you dread feedings? Not so much. Pain can be a sign of a poor latch, thrush, or another issue. Don’t suffer in silence, my friend – reach out to your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant.

E. How can I deal with back and shoulder pain due to large breasts?

Oh, the woes of carrying around these milk jugs! First, make sure you’re wearing a supportive bra. Next, pay attention to your posture during feedings – no hunching! Use pillows to bring your baby to your breast, not the other way around. And don’t underestimate the power of a good stretch or warm shower.

F. Can I use a breast pump if I have large breasts?

Absolutely! Pumping can be a game-changer for breastfeeding mamas. Just make sure you have the right size flanges (that’s the part that goes against your breast). It’s like finding the perfect pair of shoes – size matters. And take the time to read the instructions and get comfortable with the settings. Pumping can be a bit intimidating, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a great tool in your breastfeeding toolkit.

G. How do I know if I need to see a lactation consultant?

If you’re struggling with breastfeeding – be it latching, pain, concerns about milk supply, or just feeling overwhelmed – it might be time to call in the cavalry. Lactation consultants are like breastfeeding superheroes. They have tons of knowledge and experience and can offer support and advice tailored to your situation. Don’t be shy about reaching out; we all need a helping hand sometimes.

And there you have it, the answers to some of the questions that might be swirling around in your head. Remember, breastfeeding is a journey, and like any journey, it comes with its ups and downs. Arm yourself with knowledge, surround yourself with support, and give yourself grace. You’ve got this, mama!

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Okay, my dear new moms, we’ve come to the end of this milk-filled adventure. But before we part ways, let’s do a little recap and sprinkle in some words of encouragement.

We’ve covered a lot today, haven’t we? From the importance of preparation with choosing the right nursing bra and setting up a comfy nursing space, to finding the best breastfeeding positions for those with larger breasts (shoutout to the Football Hold!). We touched on the importance of establishing a daily routine, taking care of your breasts, and answered some FAQs. This has been quite the information buffet!

Now, let me take a moment to talk to you, not as an information giver, but as a fellow mom. Breastfeeding can be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of motherhood. There will be days when you feel like a goddess, and days when you just want to curl up and cry. Both are okay. Know that you are doing an amazing job, no matter how your breastfeeding journey looks. Your love and dedication to your little one are immeasurable. Be gentle with yourself, and remember that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are surrounded by a sisterhood of mothers, and you are never alone.

Now it’s your turn! I would absolutely love to hear from you. What has your breastfeeding journey been like? Do you have any tried-and-true tips or a funny anecdote to share? The comment section below is your stage – let’s make it a space of sharing, support, and sisterhood. Can’t wait to read your stories!


Finally, for all you knowledge-thirsty mamas out there, I’ve compiled a list of credible sources and further reading. Whether you want to deep dive into the science of breastfeeding or just looking for some additional tips, these resources are goldmines of information.

La Leche League International:

  • What: A non-profit organization that provides information and encouragement to women wanting to breastfeed.
  • Where: La Leche League International Website


  • What: A website created by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, offering evidence-based information on breastfeeding, parenting, and more.
  • Where: KellyMom Website

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